Models of the Hyperreal p. 92-102

"The robot, on the other hand, as his name indicates, is a worker: the threatre is over and done with, the reign of mechanical man commences" (92).

The robot tells us that it means business, but in this day and age, something that Baudrillard misses is that the robot BECOMES the theatre. There are bots telling us what to think and believe. We create truths and value systems for ourselves based on algorithms that spit out "value" to us as a society. This is obviously parsed out into smaller bubbles, which is something that Baudrillard might not have seen coming. The "perfect double" that the author talks about is now a "retweet" or a "share". The original content goes through so many iterations of consciousness that it becomes an entirely new object or idea in a matter of minutes. This is all due to the robot creating and recycling ideology.
