de:reconstruction - mentor/muse

For some reason, the first artist that came to mind when asked to think about a "mentor" for this project is Erik Winkowski. He creates video collages that call attention to the creation of a visual language, but also the ways that we interact with the medium of video. By cutting video clips like he would cut an analog collage, the relationship between different subjects and motifs becomes more important than the original footage.

I am interested in this idea of recreating something that has already been recreated. He is de- and re-constructing at the same time, which is what I aim to do with my project. Through the use of Instagram, he has created a digital "sketchbook." I aim to create a feed of responses to my tweets as the are produced, and display them in a similar form.

Erik Winkowski, Digital Sketchbook highlights,

Looking back at my About statement:

Memories detached from substance

New objects from found ideas
Reactions to the material
Responses to my own interpretations
A search for meaning through analysis of systems

I plan to use the "material" that the "system" puts out to create new meaning and new objects. If I can create a visual collection of responses to the twitter bot, the viewer will be able to understand the perceptions and experiential baggage that I bring with me to my interpretation of these tweets. For example, this following tweet from my bot makes me think of a bunch of frat bros putting on an alligator race and betting on the outcome:

My experiences and understanding of the world led me to come to that visual interpretation. Winkowski's collages are responses to how he sees, or wishes to see, the world around him through video snippets. His focus on a single or small group of motifs and subjects in his videos create a minimalist aesthetic - a very hip and fashionable one. In order to create a simple message, he focuses on erasing backdrops, highlighting small or overlooked imagery, and creating new setting and structures from old ideas. 

Screen shot of "Great Wave" video collage
